miércoles, 11 de abril de 2007

Describing me
Nora doesn’t have many friends because it’s difficult for her to trust on people. However, she offers a friendly smile every time she meets someone. Nora can be jealous of the people that she loves since she is selfish. Although, she seems to be confident, she’s afraid of many things.

The everyday objects have woken up!!!

One morning, the little woman, whose name I don’t know (you can choose one) opened the door of her little cottage and what a surprised! Every room has been swept! Suddenly, she saw the broom running in a hurry towards the backyard. The woman was so astonished that she went to the living room to phone her friend but she couldn’t since the telephone told her “sorry I’m talking with my old friend who lives in the corner”. The little woman got in the kitchen to have a cup of tea and what a surprised! The fridge was dancing with the cook while the spoons and the lids of the pots were playing a deafening music. At the same time the kettle was talking with her friend the toaster because they were annoyed about the way they were treated the morning when the family overslept.
The woman thinking that she was getting mad opened the door and ran away as the door and the daisies of the garden said to her GOOD BYE!!!

Why don’t I remember the name of my teachers?

Last week, I came back to my secondary school in order to obtain a certificate. As I went up stairs from the first entry, I was able to perceive that particular smell, a mix of wood, old books…, which are – for me – characteristic of that place. In that moment memories came to my mind from my classmates, and unforgettable moments. I still remember my first day at that school; it seemed to be bigger that it is. I still remind my classmates; those who were my friends, those who were not my friends…I remember those silly things that we – my friends and I- used to do. I can still remember almost everything. However, I can not remember the name of my teachers, I remember them by their physical appearance but not their names; and ask why. May be because they were not significant for me, may be because they were only immersed in their subjects and not in our interests. This is one thing which makes me think about why I am studying to be a teacher. Not only I want to get a degree to teach English but also to make my students to enjoy learning English, by making the classes memorable, by being interested on their problem, by teaching them that there are others outside and that they are not alone.

Reality shows truth or voyeurism

Reality shows is an issue which frequently generates heated debates, with some people who claim that reality shows exhibit real people’s lives whilst others argue that reality shows reflect a kind of voyeurism, that is, people watch these programmes because they are reflected on what they watch. Therefore, it is worth examining both sides of the arguments before venturing an opinion.
To start with, it is often said that reality shows display people’s true lives on the screen; that is, the participants of this kind of TV programme revel their weaknesses, given that they are isolated and hence, more vulnerable. Furthermore, many argue that it is almost impossible for the individuals to hide their inner side. Thus, they are observed during the whole day for a period of about six months. Unlike many fictional TV programmes which develop stories based on unreal facts reality shows display before the eyes of spectators a sort of X-ray of people’s lives. In fact, these programmes reflect on problems, weaknesses and necessities of “naked” human beings. Therefore, spectators may feel tempted to sympathise with those poor souls who are trapped in a house sharing only their human nature.
On the other hand, many sceptics believe that reality shows are sheer voyeurism. This means that many people in modern society have a superficial view about reality. Therefore, they enjoy watching boring daily routines, which lack interesting arguments, performed by the participants. What is more, it may be said that spectators usually tend to identify with the participants’ actions and behaviours. In fact, spectators could spend hours in front a television watching reality shows.
Taking both sides of the argument, it could be said that reality shows permit people to watch participants’ lives without censorship. However, it cannot be denied that this kind of TV programme is useless given that it does not offer people the possibility of personal growth. In short, participants as well as viewers participate consciously and purposefully in a perverse game which leads only to create and emphasize loneliness and self-pity.

Alternative medicine

For many years, natural medicine has been an alternative to people’s health problems. However, this kind of medicine is a matter of considerable controversy in these days.
To start with, it is said that alternative medicine makes use of natural resources to treat illnesses without producing addictions on people. Therefore, natural medicine, as aromatherapy and homeopathy could be consumed by individuals for a long period of time. Another major advantage of natural medicine is that it is believed to be a good alternative for those who have negative reactions to determinate drugs.
On the other hand, opponents to alternative medicine state that it is not reliable since this kind of medicine has not been scientifically tested. That is, although natural medicine is said to heal some individuals’ illnesses, this method is not backed up by official-medical systems. Furthermore, many individuals who claim to be alternative doctors are not medically qualified; since the do not have a degree which endorses their knowledge about medicine.
Taking both sides of the arguments into consideration, it could be said that natural medicine is an option to consider since it does not provoke secondary effects. However, it cannot be denied that individuals should be aware of those “doctors” who practise alternative medicine because most of them are not medically qualified. Therefore, natural medicine is a natural method of healing illnesses that should be taken as an alternative without putting conventional medicine aside.

Should patriotism be encouraged?

Over the years, mankind has recognized the need for personal and nation identity. This issue frequently generates strong opinions. There are some people who claim that individuals should encourage patriotism in order to mould people’s identities, to differentiate themselves from other nations, as well as to be proud of being part of their own nation and its citizens. In my opinion, I believe that patriotism should be encouraged and it should not be ignored if we want to set boundaries between other cultures and ours.
To begin with, some people suggest that individuals should encourage their children to appreciate more their cultural heritage, with the aim of moulding their identities. That is, children should learn their nation’s traditions, customs and its folklore. Therefore, children would widen their knowledge about their own culture.
Secondly, it is often said that society ought to keep their own traditions and practicing them, without denying their own roots. Thus, they could differentiate themselves from other nations. This mean, society ought to revive its traditions instead of acquiring other countries’ customs, as Saint Valentine’s Day or Saint Patrick’s Day; on the contrary dwellers should continue ancient traditions as La fiesta de la Pachamama.
Thirdly, many often argue that government and official organisms ought to have as one of their main goals to revive patriotism. Thus, they should commemorate events that have contributed to build a nation. In this way individuals would be proud of being part of their nation.
Taking these points into consideration, I would say that patriotism ought to be persuaded in order to have a “free” nation without the influence of other cultures. What is more patriotism is not an individual’s feeling but it is a feeling which belongs to the whole society.

1 comentario:

CAL dijo...

Looks nice, Nora! From now on, you can post your entries daily. That way they'll be chronologically ordered.