viernes, 15 de junio de 2007

Were past times better than modern ones?

It is often believed that past times were happier than modern ones. This issue frequently generates a great deal of heated debate, with supporters maintaining that in the past times there was a different lifestyle and they did not belong to a consumer society, whilst opponents claim that these days, not only people’s lives are more comfortable but they also live longer than those who lived in the past time thanks to the improvements made in the field of medicine.
Firstly, supporters suggest that past times were happier than the modern ones given that the past generation usd to live in a society where people were not overwrought, as nowadays. This means that previous generations were able to enjoy their activities better; they found pleasure both in their jobs and in their leisure time, since people lived in a different lifestyle. They did not worry about losing their jobs and they used to spend more time with their relatives. Apart from this, the consumer society had not trapped everybody in a dreadful net. Therefore, individuals were not influenced by this 20th century phenomenon which was expanded by the media. That is, they were not concerned about obtaining the latest fashionable gadget or garment, as today’s individuals do.
On the other hand, it may be said that modern times are much happier than the past ones. To begin with this, many usually claim that technology has developed unimaginable electronic appliances, which ease daily work. Regarding health, many improvements have been achieved in order to save lives, as well as to prevent illnesses. In fact, thanks to progress in this field people have long-healthy lives, and lifespan has lengthened far beyond the wildest dreams of people one century ago.
Taking both sides of the argument into consideration, it may be said that many features of past times contributed in order to make life happy. However, it could not be denied that modern times offer us a more comfortable and healthy world thanks to technology and the improvements made in the field of medicine.

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